My collection shows how birds native to different regions of the Sonoran Desert differ from one another. Earth camp was a great way a to stay in touch with both the Sonoran Desert and Desert Museum during difficult times. In addition, I also gained insight into new career paths that I never knew were available.
Bird photos in order of appearance
American Kestrel
Arizona Woodpecker
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Barn Swallow
Black-crowned Night Heron
Blue Grosbeak
Cooper's Hawks
Costa's Hummingbird
Dark-eyed Junco (with Chipping Sparrow)
Gila Woodpecker
Magnificent Hummingbird (with Broad-billed and Anna's Hummingbirds)
Mexican Jay
Montezuma's Quail
Neotropic Cormorant
Peregrine Falcon
Rudy Duck
Rufus Hummingbird
Scott's Oriole
Vermillion Flycatcher