Indigenous Artist Demonstration Program
Throughout the spring and summer of 2025 the Desert Museum will host Indigenous Artists to display, demonstrate, and sell their work.

Artists and Dates
Activity schedules subject to additions and changes — check back often for the latest updates!
Saturday, April 5 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Carrie Cannon
Turquoise is found naturally occurring within the Southwest including the Sonoran Desert Region. It forms in areas where deposits of phosphorous exist along with copper and aluminum. Cutting into each stone of turquoise is an act of revealing. It is sharing a slice of the beautiful. I pair my lapidary and silversmithing skills in the creation of each unique piece. I source turquoise rough stone from the Kingman Mine in Arizona which i cut, grind, sand, and polish and pair with my silversmithing, a practice that connects me to the artistic traditions of the Southwest.
—Carrie Cannon

Maria Arvayo
My work consists of plein air work of the Sonoran Desert region.
—Maria Arvayo

Susana Arellano and Anivella Guiterrez
- Susana Arellano is a Tucson curandera who learned the practice of healing the heavy-hearted and the art of making ojos de venado (deer eyes), a protective amulet within Yaqui culture from Nana Mary Lue, a Yoeme medicine woman from Tucson’s Pascua Yaqui community. With over 40 years of experience, Susana is now working with her daughter Anivella Gutierrez. Susana was awarded a Master-Apprentice Artist Award in 2021 from the Southwest Folklife Alliance to pass on her tradition.

Saturday, April 12 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. (during Biodiversity Party)
Geneva Acosta
My yucca baskets come from traditional Tohono O’odham basket weavers. The baskets were used for cooking corn and wheat. Back when willow was grown on O’odham land it was used for carrying water and keeping dry food.
—Geneva Acosta
Richard Dawavendewa
My work is inspired directly from the Hopi culture as I am a member of the Hopi Tribe, based in Northern Arizona, a high desert region. Our people have traveled and traded with numerous tribes in the Southwest region. We have become familiar with others’ customs to the point that we have Kachinum (spirits) based upon other cultures. We also have Kachinum based on the numerous animals in our region, to help in promoting fertility and longevity amongst our 4-legged and flying neighbors. Our ceremonies involve prayers for all life, in the region and outside of our realm; prayers for rain and snow to provide moisture to the land.
—Richard Dawavendewa

Sikuyva Dawavendewa
My work ties with the landscapes similar to the Sonoran Desert. My work has ties with the Hopi culture, which is a dry-land tribe located in the Northern region of Arizona, part of the Colorado Plateau.
—Sikuyva Dawavendewa

Adriana Felix
Yaqui artist, raised in Tucson who creates detailed clay dolls. I was raised in the community of Old Pascua. Here I learned to cherish and be inspired by my Yaqui culture. Growing up I was surrounded by the colors, music, Pascolas, Matachin, and the Deer Dancers. These experiences help me create my artistic expression.
—Adriana Felix

Sunday, April 13 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Elena Mendez
My daughters and I weave Tohono O’odham horsehair baskets and Jewelry.
—Elena Mendez

Pearl Mendez

Saturday, April 19 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Susana Arellano and Anivella Guiterrez
- Susana Arellano is a Tucson curandera who learned the practice of healing the heavy-hearted and the art of making ojos de venado (deer eyes), a protective amulet within Yaqui culture from Nana Mary Lue, a Yoeme medicine woman from Tucson’s Pascua Yaqui community. With over 40 years of experience, Susana is now working with her daughter Anivella Gutierrez. Susana was awarded a Master-Apprentice Artist Award in 2021 from the Southwest Folklife Alliance to pass on her tradition.

Elena Mendez
My daughters and I weave Tohono O’odham horsehair baskets and Jewelry.
—Elena Mendez

Pearl Mendez

Geneva Acosta
My yucca baskets come from traditional Tohono O’odham basket weavers. The baskets were used for cooking corn and wheat. Back when willow was grown on O’odham land it was used for carrying water and keeping dry food.
—Geneva Acosta
Kathleen Vance
- Kathleen Vance is Tohono O'odham and San Carlos Apache. While preparing for her daughters coming of age ceremony, Kathleen met an elder woman and traditional potter who taught her how to harvest and process traditional clays in order to make a ceremonial pot for her daughter. This experience provided the foundational skills and knowledge that would inspire her to expand her skills set and teach others. Kathleen considers herself to be a traditional utilitarian potter, but also uses clay to make whistles and effigies.

Valerie Francisco
My mom, Cheryl, crochets desert turtles and cactus. I do a more contemporary take on our traditional shell necklaces and earrings.
—Valerie Francisco

Cheryl Francisco
- Cheryl Francisco crochets desert tortoises and cactus along with other items indigenous to southwest AZ. Valerie Francisco takes a modern influence on traditional beaded jewelry. Both Cheryl and Valerie Francisco are self-taught artists and have been practicing and honing their craft for decades.

More dates coming soon!
Indigenous Artists: Demonstrate and sell your work! Stipend & sales, and many dates available. If interested please fill out this form and email it to or call 520-883-3021.