Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum: A Scrapbook
Online Appendices

When Peggy Larson set to writing a scrapbook for the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, multitudes of interesting stories poured from her pen. In the interest of space, portions of many of those stories and profiles had to be left out of the book.
In the process of editing A Scrapbook we realized that some readers would hunger for more information on a particular topic or a more detailed version of a touching story. Furthermore, we loathed to relegate so much of Peggy's wonderful writing to the ASDM archives.
Thankfully we have plenty of space on this website to let more of Peggy's writing see the light of day. We hope you enjoy these "extensions" to our Scrapbook.
- page 4: Bill Carr
- page 5: Arthur & Phoebe Pack
- page 14: George L. Mountainlion
- page 14: Lion Babies
- page 14: Lion Logo
- page 15: Tribute to George L.
- page 17: Lew Walker
- page 17: Early Museum Days
- page 17: Dinner Guests
- page 21: Dan Davis
- page 38: Exhibit Development
- page 51: Philosophy
- page 52: Wildlife Blind
- page 52: Skunk Visitors
- page 61: Geriatric Animals
- page 67: Isla Rasa
- page 74: Beavers
- page 95: Catamount Columnist