Green Plant

Financial Statement

The following financial information is a condensed version of the audited financial statements as of September 30, 2014. A copy of the audited financial statements for the year ending September 30, 2014 may be obtained upon request.

Statement of Financial Position

Cash and cash equivalents $486,847
Receivables $281,759
Investments $7,626,645
Beneficial interest
  in perpetual trust
Inventories $270,082
Other assets $532,751
Property and equipment, net $14,527,762
Total assets$23,867,272
Line of credit $0
Accounts payable $134,409
Accrued liabilities $622,564
Unearned revenue $87,239
Deferred revenue,
  membership dues
Capital leases payable $85,271
Liability under trust agreement $56,606
Total liabilities$1,341,129
Net assets
Other unrestricted$16,075,134
Temporarily restricted$1,338,080
Permanently restricted$4,168,904
Total net assets$22,526,143
Total liabilities and net assets$23,867,272
Operating Expenses Incurred
Collections 27%
Facilities 25%
Administration & General 18%
Conservation Education & Science12%
Development & Membership6%
Art Institute 6%
Exhibits 3%
Visitor Services 3%
Source of Operating Revenues
Admissions 35%
Membership 18%
Contributions 12%
Investment & Other 14%
Concessions and Food Services 7%
Grants 2%
Support from Designated Funds 10%

Operating Activity

Total Revenues and Other Support $8,742,510
Total Expenses $7,802,202
Change in net operating assets 940,308
Net operating assets,
  beginning of year
Net operating assets,
  end of year
Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 07-16-2024