Desert Museum Exclusives

Bronze Sculptures

Bronze Sculptures by Sheridan Oman

These bronze statues by artist Sheridan Oman capture the beauty of nature with precision and detail, and are small enough to hold. Buy online now.

Hummingbird and Rabbit Sculpture

Bronze Sculptures by Mark Rossi

These one-of-a-kind bronze statues by artist Mark Rossi capture the beauty of nature with precision and detail, and are small enough to hold in the palm of your hand. Buy online now.

Note Card Images


The Desert Museum notecard collection features images from the Desert Museum. Each card features a poem, personally selected by the Desert Museum's poet-in-residence, Eric Magrane. The poem compliments and speaks to the card's image and is one in a series of collaborations between the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and the University of Arizona's Poetry Center.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 05-01-2024