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Sunday, April 29, 2018
The 25th Annual Desert Museum Gala

Reservations and Raffle Tickets

Thank you for supporting the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum’s 22nd Annual Desert Gala

For Gala Reservation Tickets or any Gala information, please call the Membership Office — Cathy at 520-883-3054 or Syndy at 520-883-3056.

Raffle Sculpture
Concept sketch by Mark Rossi

Raffle Information

The drawings for this year's Gala raffle sculpture will take place on Sunday, April 29th 2018 during the Desert Gala Live Auction. Each ticket offers one chance to win a life-sized bronze sculpture of a new born javelina (piggy bank!) by local sculptor Mark Rossi. You need not be present to win. If your ticket is drawn and you are not present at the event we will contact you by telephone the following morning.

Raffle Sculpture

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Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 09-26-2024