Alma's Story

                Earth camp has inspired me to become a better leader for a shared planet. My promise to the program is to install a drip system in to my garden. With this I will conserve water which is not only a financial advantage but it also saves water for the rest of the city and helps demolish pollution. My garden will not suffer from drought when I forget to irrigate it. I will have a beautiful healthy vegetable garden which with instead of buying food at the market I can just pick out vegetables from there and save the earth from pollution when food goods are sent from miles away to a local food store.


Day2.. July 8,     

                        Floating on the gorgeous green river, through desolation canyon with a cool, satisfying, soft wind blowing the tender aroma of sage towards me I discover true nature. My nirvana has finally come in the middle of the desert, really not the place I would have imagined. Yet this is my place to be, nowhere better in this world. The sun peeking through the cracks at the rim of the canyon, red rock radiating behind the cotton woods reflected on the river's brownish water. Here between the flourished rapids peace is only to be dreamt of, but there's no wakeup call because this is my reality.

                Surrounded with friends who over the course of a few days have become family in this empty canyon I realize I have not smiled this wide and laughed this hard in so long. Away from home and not feeling resentment anymore for the people who have done me harm I figure out how fortunate I am to be present here. The fascinating views and experiences are part of the extraordinary risky adventure throughout the river and the company just makes it better, to share the excitement and miraculous scenery is a blessing.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024