Naomi O's Story

One of the experiences I had at earth camp 2010 was No Impact Man. We learned a lot about easy things that we can do that will help us as an individual and as a whole world. Some of these thing are shopping locally at the farmers market, solar power, using bio degradable soaps, shampoos etc. And being aware of what things really are. These are all things that I what to put in action in my own life.

At earth camp 2010 we talked a lot about how we can produce less trash. What I want to do is composting more, our family has a compost bin but I want to get my school too started as well. I think that this will help our school reduce our eco-footprint.  I would also like help the people in my school know how they can make a difference in the world, because we CAN and we NEED to.

My plan to do these things

1.       Talk to my parents

2.       Do research

3.       Find people that will help me

4.       See how others do it

5.       Start small and get bigger

6.       help others do the same thing

7.       DO MORE!

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024