Heather's Story

At earth camp I experienced a number of impacting things, but there was only one thing that made me feel closer to nature and closer to the earth.  That amazing thing was ethno ecology. The teacher was so inspirational, he encouraged me to use natures resources, and show others how they can use natures resources. I learned all about the tribes of the southwest, and how they adapted to their surroundings, unlike modern humans who destroy their land to make it adapt to them.  The tribes made their own medicine, they made sweet foods, and healthy foods, and they even made their own homes, all from their surroundings. I have now decided that teaching ethno ecology is a major goal for my future. To help myself become an ethno ecologist I will start by teaching my friends and family about it. Then read books, and take classes, and after that I will pursue a career in ethno ecology teaching the world about natures resources and the tribes who started it.  

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024