Calvin's Story

My time at Earth camp was amazing. I did so many things that were life changing, but one more so than the rest: No Impact Man. The story of a man and his family living in New York City for one year with no impact. It sounds crazy but they did it. I was so surprised by how much waste was produced in the process of making food. So because of this they bought food from the farmers market.  Since all that I eat is practically all processed, I have decided that I want to buy food from the farmers market.  This will put less pressure on the environment, because no energy is used to take it across the country, for example. This means that by buying from a farmers market you’re helping the environment. This will give me a valid case to convince my mom that we should  buy locally grown foods.

My favorite part of earth camp was helping to eradicate crayfish! It felt great helping save natural plants and animals. My group found what seemed to be a breeding ground for the crayfish. We got rid of about fifteen young ones out of thirty. It was awesome!

The observatory at the sky center was amazing: it was the first time I saw the sun up close or any other galaxy. It was awesome!  We were all having fun and cracking jokes!

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024