Benjamin's Story

Earth Camp 2010 made me think about how we are using water. I learned that water that comes in a bottle is 445% more in cost than tap water. This really does not make any sense because tap water is guaranteed by the federal government to be safe to drink, while bottled water does not go through this testing. However by putting more and more chemicals into the water system and it makes it harder to filter, costing the federal government thousands of dollars. With today’s technology we cannot get out all of the chemicals we are putting in the water system. Soap and toothpaste are especially bad because no matter how much you try to clean it with today’s technology there will always be trace amounts of chemicals. There is a solution, Doctor Bronner’s Castile soap. It is made out of 100% biodegradable material and all natural non harmful material. My plan is to use this to shower to reduce my water pollution.

Earth Camp 2010 made me think about how we are using water. I learned that water that comes in a bottle is 445% more in cost than tap water. This really does not make any sense because tap water is guaranteed by the federal government to be safe to drink, while bottled water does not go through this testing. However by putting more and more chemicals into the water system and it makes it harder to filter, costing the federal government thousands of dollars. With today’s technology we cannot get out all of the chemicals we are putting in the water system. Soap and toothpaste are especially bad because no matter how much you try to clean it with today’s technology there will always be trace amounts of chemicals. There is a solution, Doctor Bronner’s Castile soap. It is made out of 100% biodegradable material and all natural non harmful material. My plan is to use this to shower to reduce my water pollution.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024