Bella's Story

  Earth camp 2010 

One of my experiences with earth camp 2010 is the climate change presentations. Here are some facts: On earth the percentages of gases are 20.6% of oxygen 78% nitrogen and 1.4% other. Carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere for 500 years!! The earth's ice caps act like refrigerator so the waters don't get over heated.They really opened my eyes to reality and it showed me that we do have an impact on the earth , every single one of us in one  way or another. I would like to change my ways by cycling more and less driving or  buying used clothes instead  of new and, becoming less of a consumer and enjoy what I have, not what I want. 

This is my plan to accomplish my eco-friendly goals:

I would like to try to cycle more to places on the weekend and sometimes take lengthy rides for fun and produce less carbon dioxide. I would like to get my family and friends to try to do this to so everybody is going to have some change in their lives.

It takes a lot of energy and resources to produce clothing, so by buying used you can re-use something that has been loved and worn that has already taken the energy. 

Another thing I learned at earth camp 2010 is planned obsolescence. At the first week of camp, we watched the story of stuff.  When the hostess Annie talked about how manufacturers purposely make items as useless as possible, and as fast as possible ,my jaw dropped.To think, that industries are going against the people not with, as a society, for STUFF! Planned obsolescence means designed for a dump! And another thing is perceived obsolescence which means the government persuades us to throw out perfectly useful stuff.The manufacturers change the style every year so if you don't keep buying new stuff you look like your not in style.

These two weeks at earth camp 2010 have been am amazing experience, even though we've had some ups and downs, but now I feel like we are all one big family. I have made some amazing friends and met some amazing people but the things I have learned are things that have impacted me. Lastly, I would like to say thanks to all the staff  members that have been great through out this whole experience and I would like to also say thanks to all the guest speakers that have come to this camp and have really educated everybody about the environment we live in and how to reduce our eco-footprint. Last but not least I would like to thank Laurel Clark, if it wasn't for her and her love towards nature and kids, none of this would would be real.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024