Isabella's Story



This summer at Earth Camp we’ve learned a lot about how human impact threatens the natural world around us. I’ve thought quite a bit about how I can minimize the trash I produce to minimize my eco footprint. I came up with the idea to make a compost pile at my school to help reduce the amount of waste that Tucson High produces. Everyday fruit that isn’t consumed by the students and then gets tossed into the garbage wasting valuable produce. If there were a compost pile we would be able to use the fruit to fertilize the garden on the roof of our school instead of wasting the nutrients from the fruit by putting it into a landfill.

Journal Entry- Day 5


“The Nature of Adventure”

So, an adventure. What was mine or will be mine? As of right now I believe it’s this very second here at Earth Camp. I’ve met and talked to people I never would have under normal circumstances and they actually turned out to be some of the nicest and most interesting people. I’ve been covered from head to toe in sand, soaked in a raft and slept in a hot mosquito infested tent.

Here is a quote from John Wesley Powell that reflects the many discomforts of camping:

"There are characteristic discomforts on a river voyage. Not the least is the incessant wetting and the sharp alternation of heat and cold. On a bright day a boatman swiftly sunburns the backs of his hands, the insteps of his feet if they are bare, every unexpected spot exposed by long sitting in one position. In the shade, in soaked clothes, the wind is often icy. And worse than either sun or wind is the irritation of sitting long hours on a hard wet board in sopping pants or drawers. The water is full of silt and sand, and so, consequently, are the clothes one wears. After a few hours there grows a sensation as if one has been gently coasting his sear back and forth across fine sandpaper. After a few more hours a boatman likes to stand whenever the river will let him".

Despite the many discomforts of camping and lack of modern technology I still managed to have a great time. I guess that’s one of the main things I’ve learned at Earth Camp; to appreciate what you have, try new things and be open minded. You don’t need to have brand new clothes or tons of money to be happy, you just need to be happy with yourself and who you are as a person. Most of all take care of the earth not only for yourself but for future generations to come.

Canyon De Chelly


So, Day 2 was one of our many road trip days, which we spent driving from Tucson, AZ to Canyon De Chelly. After the Exhausting car ride with blasting music and cranky teenagers we finally arrive in the awe inspiring place we call Canyon De Chelly. With its deep and intense canyons that illuminate the scenery it certainly is a magnificent place to be, to say the least. We sat around a camp fire and listened to the words of a man named Howard. He discussed the difficulties his tribe has had to face because of ignorance and peoples lack of knowledge. When someone is not educated about the world around them not only do they suffer but so do the people and wildlife around them.

Rafting the Green River!


Well, rafting the green river, what an experience. The first day we were all on five rafts that were rigged together and rode 30 miles until we reached our camp site to set up camp. The second day the rafts were separated and they inflated the smaller two man rafts called “duckies” which we were allowed to row with a partner. Every day we ate excellent meals prepared by the guides and ride on both the “duckies” and rafts. Rafting down the green river (Desolation Canyon and Gray Canyon) was by far one of my favorite experiences at Earth Camp.

Grand Canyon


At Earth Camp I went to the Grand Canyon for the first time and it was quite an experience. I looked over the edge into the vast canyons and mesas of the Grand Canyon and was in awe with its beauty. From the countless trails, animals and lookout points the Grand Canyon is truly one of a kind. I won't forget my first look into the vastness that is the Grand Canyon

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024