Staci's Story

What I experienced at earth camp was how to become a leader for a shared planet. Being a leader means to take action and take charge. So I have noticed that my family and I consume more than needed trash. When I return home I will be keeping track of my families eco footprint of trash. For example when at the grocery store I will refuse to have my goods to be put in the stores plastic bags and buy the canvas bags and have the cashier put my goods into the canvas bags. it would help to save the animals in the sea. Also I will try to get my family into buying food without packaging. It would be difficult to get in the habit of trying the new image of my family.I believe it would be a huge step up to reduce pollution, waste, and the resources of processing. To reduce even more trash, by saving the table scraps and building a compost bin and composting the scraps. Eventually all the scraps will turn into soil which can used for later on. The next thing is if anyone in my family wishes to eat they will serve only enough and not way to over to where they will not eat it and just throw it away. When you throw food away think of a picture of you throwing money...ya it hurts. Last but not least we all know that eating junk food is bad for you, so if thats the case don't bother to buy it at all. You're wasting money on food that isn't even good for you.

My favorite part of Earth camp would have to be snorkeling off the boat. Also anytime when we were snorkeling it was an amazing experience and it was the first time snorkeling for me. I got to explore the under water life of the ocean. It was amazing at what I saw brittle stars, sea stars, chocolate chip sea stars, lots of fish, and plenty of man-o-wars. Being with all of my friends made this experience even better.

I would have to say the most fun I had on the trip was in the cars=) on the way back home it got a little wild in the car. I really don't remember what had happened first but I do remember was we got the walky talkies and started to compete in the first time ever American Idol on the road. The first team up Amy's car and they sang play that funky music white boy. After that was Jesus's van and we sang chicken stew. It ended up being a tie. Later on I fell asleep and apparently I talk in my sleep. Everyone recorded what I said. After I woke up I look at everyone and they all have gummy worms up their nose. Before we knew it the other van was caught up with us.

The food that was provided for us was great. I tried lamb for the first time ever. As well as ceviche. I did get a little sick after eating the fish. I did consume many quesadilla's and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Also lots of horchata. Although I did enjoy all of the food that was cooked for us.

The accomodation for the trip was awesome except for the night we had to stay on the isolated island. This is only because my best friend Isabella left the door unzipped for our tent and I got bit all kinds from mosquitos. It is all good because they are starting to go away. The best place ever was the U of A dorms. We had the ac on all night so I slept like a baby.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024