Emily's Story

At Earth Camp I watched Amy's Navy shower video and then began taking a lot of quick on-off-on-off showers. So I have decided to take Navy showers at home, as my leader for a shared planet project. Navy showers are showers where you turn the water on to wet, turn the water off, shampoo, turn on the water... ect. So when you're not under the stream of the water you don't just leave it running. Once I have modeled this practice for a while I will encourage the rest of my family to do the same.

To encourage my family to also take water conservative showers I will ask them to start taking Navy showers for a month. This way I will be able to compare the water bills from the first day and the last. Also, only asking them to improve for a month would not be as dramatic a change as just outright telling them to shower differently. Looking at the water bills will show that we are improving on both an ecological level and an economic level.

    (Your probably wondering why I hve a picture of a dog for Navy showers.  That is Bibi the greates mexico dog ever! [I love her] I put her on here because I took Navy showers at The Prescott College Field Station and that is where Bibi lives.  YAY!)

I had a wonderful time on this trip! It was amazing! I loved being with such a variety of animals all the time!  I especially loved the puppies at the goat farm on the way home! They where so cute. The group I was with was cool too. We had so much fun together! It was the funniest stuff ever!

(Thats Max and Lafon being funny)

Your mom! Was the thing most said on this trip. It was great, although by the end a few people are getting pretty tired of it! (Lafon!)

The whole trip was amazing! If you are thinking about going, or sending you kid, it is totally worth it! The staff is wonderful!

We did some funny thinks on this trip! Like we wherer throwing gummy worms around! it was awesome! And Lafon got one stuck up his nose! It was hilarious! There was so much to learn we did not even notice we where learning!

(Thats Nikki my camp buddy!!!!! Yeahhh!!!!!)

The food on this trip was GREAT! The cooks where so accomodating to certain food preferences, like being picky or vegetarian! The sleeping accomidations where also wonderful! We where at the oceans edge all the time.  It was great! But, we also did other stuff like hikes and excursions! IT was AWESOME!

Every body we met was sooooo nice!

(These are oysters, which I did not eat, but others did.)

My group was awesome .... mostly! We consisted of Lafon, the crazy one!; Alajandra, the sick one; Baby Staci, the crazy on soda one; me the weird nerd; and Max the goof who looses stuff. HahaHelicopter! (burn)

Brandon is a UNI-TARD!

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024