Sarah's Story

Earth Camp 2008
Middle School

What I learned in Earth Camp about water was that there is less drinking water in the world than we think. The percentage of drinking water in the whole wide world is only .003%! Imagine that! I also learned that there are two properties of water- adhesion and cohesion. My favorite Earth Camp memory was seeing the live animal presentations. The experience of composting after each meal inspired me to start composting in my house.

The commitment that I made was to start composting in my house. Composting is good because when the compost rots, it makes really good soil for planting. Amy said that a woman who works for Tucson Organic Gardeners was coming to the Desert Museum to help Amy and some of the people she works with take green garbage cans and make them into compost bins. Amy said that I could go to the Desert Museum on the day and help them! She also said I could take one home! Now I really want to start composting! But you can and can’t put things in the compost bin. You can put Grains, Fruit, Veggies, eggshells, and coffee grounds. You can’t put in dairy , Meats or any sweets.

Earth Camp 2008
Middle School

My favorite games in Earth Camp were “Ameba” and “Jail House.” “Ameba “ is where one person is IT and that person has to try and tag people. If him or her tags a person, that person has to link arms with the tagger. “Jail House” is where there are two teams. There are three buckets filled with water that separates the two teams. In each bucket there are also foam strips in the shape of stars. Also on each side there is a jail. To get somebody in Jail you have to tag somebody on the other team by throwing a star at him or her. You CANNOT go to the other team’s side and tag somebody! If it hits them they have to go to the other team’s jail. To get somebody out of jail, one of their teammates has to throw a star at them. If the person in jail catches the star, they’re out of jail. If they don’t catch the star, they have to throw it back to their team.

I also really liked doing the GIANT PINK UNDERPANTS!!!! My favorite counselor was Sonora! She was really nice!!! Out of all the animals that Amy showed us, I really liked the Ringtail and the Kangaroo Rat! I also liked going on the Desert Museum tour and seeing the turtles and the other animals. The activity I most liked was the Saguaro Fruit Harvesting! Overall, I had a WONDERFUL time!!!

Earth Camp 2008
Middle School

The first campout we did was in the desert just outside of Saguaro National Park. I really liked our dinner of burritos with chips. After we went Saguaro Fruit Harvesting, we went to look for scorpions and to listen for owls. We saw four scorpions and we didn’t see any owls but we sure heard them! One got really close to us. Then, after we looked for constellations in the night sky, we went to bed. Don’t worry, we didn’t get attacked in the night! In the morning, we had a yummy breakfast of cereal with muffins.

Earth Camp 2008
Middle School

On the Second campout, we went to Mount Lemmon! Before we went to our campsite almost all the parents came and rode with us on the chairlift at Ski Valley. I rode with my mom. Then, the parents came to the campsite with us and helped us set up our tents and unload everything. Then, the kids cooked a delicious meal of quesadillas with chili for the parents. Then , a man came with his wife and told four cool stories ! After the parents left  ,  We played games and went to bed. I really liked this campout!!!!!

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 09-26-2024