Robert's Story

During Earth Camp the most influential event was when the botanists came and talked about xeriscaping. Xeriscaping is when you plant plants native to your region. It is important to xeriscape so you use less water. Native plants use less water because they are adapted to their environment. Some plant adaptations for the desert are “fuzzy” leaves, small leaves, the angle that the plants are pointed to the sun, and for succulents, the ability to store water and expand or contract.

I will try to get my mom interested in xeriscaping the garden so we can save water and money. In using less drinking water for plants, we can save more water for people. Replacing non-native plant species with native ones attracts native animal, bird, and insect species, discourages invasive species, and encourages renewed interest in our native ecology.  To get her interested in this , I will show her how we can lead the neighborhood to xeriscape their gardens and help in the movement to save water.

One of the most memorable experiences for me was the 1st campout in the desert. We went out and picked saguaro fruit using long sticks called kuipods to make syrup with, and mashed the fruit into a sort of juice. We also cooked tortillas to make dinner (which was burritos). After all the fruit was mashed, it was cooked. After seeing the bubbling fruit juice, our group went out on a scorpion hunt using black lights, because the scorpions glow in the black light. We then looked at stuff through the telescope. By then, it was time to go to sleep. The girls and boys slept away from each other, and everyone set up their sleeping bags. When we woke, we had breakfast, then spread out into the desert to journal. After that, we played a game, and then left to the desert muesuem for more adventures!

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 09-26-2024