Angel's Story

My name is Angel Breault and I have come to several desert museum summer camps but Earth Camp has taught me the skills to conserve energy, recycle, compost, and become more ecofriendly. I thought the world was pretty eco friendly at first but then I got a bigger view of it. It was sad to look at the sludge, gas, and pollution we have made. Then I heard news at my dinner table. “ Did you hear that Angel gets to go to Brad Landcaster’s house?”,my mom says. “Cool!” my dad says. The next day we went his house and I saw his bikes! He had more than 20 bikes! Then we went to a BICAS, a custom made bike place! We were given a quick tour but I quickly fell in love with it! As soon as I got home I played with my bike to make it better and fix it up! So I am going to try to conserve energy by biking more. Also I will convince my friends to bike, too! I will give a speech to my school in Mrs. Tillges' class to convince them to ride their bikes more often to conserve energy. This would help our school too! After the middle school started then there would be the rest of the school would follow or foot steps! This would make the world more ecofriendly!   


    Friends were the main high light of this camp. We have 20 people in our camp and 5 groups. My group was the green group! the people in it were Zoe the quiet one. Estralla  the laughing one, and Enrique the tight one!
We all so have 5 other teams the people are: Nathanial, Sara, Paulina, Alexandra, Guillermo, Ian,  Kevin, Shawn, Robert, Mitchell, Jason, Alex V., Justin, Alexis, Cassidy, and Betty
Then we have Our counclers: Holly the best car driver, Amy the funny councler, Tyler the teenager,  Sonora  the cheery one,  and Eric who is Laurel Clark's cousin!
   I couldn't have had a good time with out all of you guys thanks for the fun!

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 09-26-2024