Ryan's Story

My greatest experience at earth camp was getting to take a tree core sample. We had to take an object that looked like a hollow car jack and drill it about halfway into the tree. Then we stuck another smaller rod into that and made sure it was al the way in. After that unscrewed the “Hollow Car Jack” one whole turn. When I saw the tree core sample I realized that the world is using up all of its resources faster than they come back. I feel like I am obligated to write a letter to my government to stop deforestation and put a protection on ALL but the ash tree species that means that they will have to find an alternative way to make paper with an ash tree. The reason I singled out the ash is because it has a disease that only it can get, and if we remove all of the ash trees from our environment we will remove the emerald ash bore insect.

I really had a lot of fun camping on Mt. Lemmon. Although the driving up there with Keegan, LaFon, Ben, and Augustin was insanely uncomfortable I did it! When I learned that I would be given my own tent I was really happy because everybody was getting on my nerves at least I’m still sane… For now.

 This is LaFon

I had  a lot of fun going up the ski lift to mount lemmon. It was a ten minute lift ride to the very top and I had to go up first so I was extremely bored while I was waiting for the others I ran around and got very super extremely largely humongously bigly dizzy. It was fun until I almost fell over.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 09-26-2024