Nic's Story

I was most influenced by Sergio Avila, who works for the Sky Island Alliance, who talked to us about the food chain. I am going to take action by talking to people about endangered animals and how to protect them. The people I will talk to are the math students at my school by telling people that it is cool to help animals and our delicate desert. Another thing that I will do is talk to my dad and tell him to take precautions before he builds a house, such as relocating animals.

    My favorite thing during camp was the cactus harvesting. It was hard work, but in the end it was great. We really had to work together so we could get the most fruit. After the harvesting was done, we made ice cream sauce out of the juice in the fruit.

    My favorite thing during camp was the cactus harvesting. It was hard work, but in the end it was great. We really had to work together so we could get the most fruit. After the harvesting was done, we made ice cream sauce out of the juice in the fruit.

    The worst experience was when I hurt my foot jumping off of a rock. I had to tough it out through the whole camp. It taught me to be brave.

During the camp I met a lot of friends. Such as Isaac, Rachel, Ben, and Matt. This was a great chance to meet new people and I took advantage of it.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 09-26-2024