Monique's Story


                            EARTH CAMP

       I was most influenced and inspired by Jes?s Garcia. He taught me many things, and the saguaro fruit he made us cut down from the saguaro was the most delicious fruit I ever tasted!!! Jesus also taught me how to draw very well. I’m  going to take action and change by caring for nature. I’m going to take action and change by not littering and if I see trash on the ground  I will immediately pick it up. I am also going to conserve water. I’m going to conserve water by taking very short showers and not leave the water running so much. I am also going to have other random people and friends help me. There going to help me  by conserving water and having a cleaner planet by writing letters  about keeping nature clean and conserving water  then when we are done writing letters we will go around the neighborhood    and talk to people about nature and water. Then we will ask them to spread the word. We will give them a stack of papers and ask them to help us hang them up on all the walls. Then hopefully more people will conserve water and also care more about nature. All in all I will try my best to conserve water and keep nature clean. I will also help other people understand that they need to keep nature clean and conserve more water.

                                                                                Sincerely: Monique Montano     



Hi my name is Monique Montano and when I came to Earth Camp the only person I knew was my best friend Brenda Lujan. Then toward the middle of camp I had lots of friends for example Rachel,Sonora,Sade,Tiffany,Anna,Matt,Agustin and lots more. Everybody at Earth Camp is so great and so nice and everyone at earth camp is like family. All the staff and counselors are really great for example Sanlyn Amy and Eric take great care of you when your not felling well. And Katie and Matt are always there when you need help or need someone to talk to. All in all you find great friends and you can even call them family if you wanted to. Earth Camp is the BEST!!!!!!

Sincerely: Monique Montano

Earth camp animals

Earth Camp is a wonderful camp because you see animals everyday. The best animal at Earth Camp was is the Ringtail. The Ringtail is so, so, so adorable. I also liked the parrot and I loved the quail I loved the way it chirped for its mother. The quail had lost its mind because the quail lost its girl friend. All in all Earth Camp has the most beautiful and wonderful animals.  

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 09-26-2024