Lafon's Story

So far, the most life changing event for me during Earth Camp was when we visited Brad Lancaster’s house. I learned how easy it was to use and harvest electricity and water from mother nature. I also learned from Brad that you can use gravity to get water throughout your house instead of using pumps and that you can get electricity from solar panels, and you can get around by walking and/or riding your bike instead of driving your car, especially if your job and numerous shops are near by. Also, I can either recycle or reuse anything that I can, like milk jugs and glass containers to hold things like water and any fruits and vegetables that I can grow. Also, this has influenced to do things that conserve electricity and water so that I can both save money and be more friendly towards nature. Some things that I can do around my community is to convince my friends and family to start using electricity and water more wisely by telling them the advantages of conserving water and electricity, like fact that they could save lots of money over a short period of time. I can also research little inexpensive things that can be useful around the house and use minimal power, especially solar powered things or things that make their own power and tell my friends and family about them. Earth Camp has also influenced me enough to start a club that will influence other people to want to protect our environment and live more in peace with mother nature by conserving our resources and recycling whenever possible when I get back to school.

I had lots of fun while I was at Earth Camp. We played so many fun games  like Bench Switcheroo and Shelob’s Web  and visited so many interesting places like Mt . Lemmon, Kitt Peak, and the Herpetology Center in the Desert Museum. We also went on really fun  camping trips, which were at Mt. Lemmon, Kitt Peak, and The Desert Museum's Saguaro Harvest Campsite, which we did too many fun things to name. But some things that I thought were the most fun were saguaro fruit harvesting and just camping out at Mt. Lemmon and Kitt Peak. I also got to make a few more friends and to get to know some more really cool people. I also learned how to core a tree without cutting it down and how to find what happened around the tree from the point it sprouted at Mt. Lemmon, and how to harvest saguaro fruit.

If you are thinking of coming to Earth Camp, then I would advise that you come ASAP. I had a whole lot of fun and learned a whole lot more than what I’ve already said. I would definately advise getting to know our whole group really quick and have as much fun as you can, because 2 weeks here goes by REALLY quickly. I personally got to know more about the UA and the Desert Museum and the animals around the area. Also, what we did at the Mt. Lemmon was that we had PC wars. PC is short for Pine Cone, so we threw pine cones at each other. Just be careful not to get people in the head, because I was hit a few times in the head and it REALLY hurt, but I was still fine. Also, the pine cones have little spines on them, so be careful of those. Still, have fun doing it and enjoy it while you can do it, because pine cones really aren’t anywhere else. Also, try to get really funny pictures and make funny videos with the cameras, because then you will have an even more fun time at Earth Camp.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 09-26-2024