Keegan's Story

My most memorable moment during Earth Camp was visiting Brad Lancaster’s home. He uses only solar power to power his house and uses grey water to water plants, among other things. My family is strongly considering both of these, as well as composting. We have also wanted for a while to replace the grass in the lawn, and now we will. All of this will greatly reduce my impact on the environment.

The Desert museum was a very enjoyable way to learn a lot about different types of animals and many kinds of cacti. The exhibits were extremely open, and many cacti and small animals are outside of the fences. Only the birds, large animals, and dangerous animals are enclosed. This was very educational as well as fun.

My trip to a large, saguaro-filled desert area was extremely exciting. For the first time in my life, I camped in the desert and harvested and ate saguaro fruit. A few times, I walked into cacti and was stuck full of spines, but overall this trip was educational and very interesting.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 09-26-2024