Juan's Story

My most memorable field trip it was Brad Lancaster's house. Brad is really cool because he saves electricity and water. I learned that you can use greywater from washing machine to water the plants. Brad get his water from rain water, he has an outdoor oven, and he has an outdoor shower. This makes me want to use greywater to water my plants. I also will collect  rain water in a  10 gallon tank that I have in my yard. Then, I can reuse this water to water my grass or my plants.

At earth camp we went to the Tucson Water Treatment Plant. When we went there I saw that the water drain gets to be reused and the poop and peep gets seperated from the water. Then they send the water to different aerating pools. After that they send the water back to the city. This trip taught me that is important to save water and not waste it.

This past week earth camp went to Mount Lemmon. I learned that a lot of acres got burned and I also learned about rain guages. Then we the students got to make dinner for the parents, staff, and ourselves. It wasn't cool, but it was a good experience to be so helpful and to do it all ourselves. After that we had a pinecone fight, it was fun to throw them at the girls.

On the first day, we had our first campout. We slept under the stars in the open air. That day we went saguaro fruit harvesting and we filled up a bucket. The staff were so kind as to make us dinner. Also this guy named Jesus showed us how to havest fruit and he also showed us how to make a rope with agave leaves. This picture is of Matt sleeping and hugging his pillow. He was a good counselor.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 09-26-2024