Kari's Story

What will be my role in the community of environmental citizens? Earth camp changed me by opening my eyes to the huge impact that humans have on this earth. When we went to the dump I saw so much food waste just heaved in into piles waiting to be buried. This made me sad because most food waste could have a use as compost. Because of this I am going to be a role model In this special community as a composter. The way that I plan on being this role model is by starting to compost at home and getting my school to compost. I am going to do this by informing the people around me, I will do this by talking about it, I will talk to my friends, teachers and to the principal and convince them to compost, and let me make the change. I will put compost bins in the cafeteria and make it a part of the curriculum to teach about our impact on this earth and how to compost. I wish that everyone could go to earth camp but not everyone can so I want to help spread the main ideas of earth camp throughout the world. I don’t think people realize how much food waste is being poured into our dumps every day, it is sad and I think that it should change. And by doing this I will be doing a favor not only for our earth, but for us as humans too.

This is a picture of the dump.

What will be my role in the community of environmental citizens? Earth camp changed me by opening my eyes to the huge impact that humans have on this earth. When we went to the dump I saw so much food waste just heaved in into piles waiting to be buried. This made me sad because most food waste could have a use as compost. Because of this am going to be a role model In this special community as a composer. The way that I plan on being this role model is by starting to compost at home and getting my school to compost. I am going to do this by informing the people around me, I will do this by talking about it, I will talk to my friends, teachers and to the principal and convince them to compost, and let me make the change. I will put compost bins in the cafeteria and make it a part of the curriculum to teach about our impact on this earth and how to compost. I wish that everyone could go to earth camp but not everyone can so I want to help spread the main ideas of earth camp throughout the world. I don’t think people relies how much food waste is being poured into our dumps every day, it is sad and I think that it should change. And by doing this I will be doing a favor not only for our earth, but for us as humans too.

The picture is of the dump.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024