Farzaneh's Story

My name is Farzaneh Rahimi.
One of the most influential experiences I had during Earth Camp was to learn about plants and animals because in my country of Afghanistan, my people don’t  study animals or plants because they couldn't go to school. When I learned about the Water Treatment  Plant I thought it was very interesting because I didn’t realize that we use our water more tham once. I learned many things.
Because of this experience, I have decided to make a change in my life to better live in harmony with the natural world. I will help people to recycle their stuff that they don't use or needed any more. I’m going to have a program in school to help them recycle their things. The more we recycle the more we will get. In the school I going to recycle: papers, newpapers, tin cans, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, foam cups and old clothes.

Laurel Clark gave her life for us, so we could live a better life in our future. Thank you, Laurel Clark, for making our world a better place to live. Thanks to you Laurel Clark’s mother Marge Brown that you chose to make our future bright like your daughter.

Hi! My name is Farzaneh. I am 13 years old. In science class I heard about Earth Camp. I thought it would be a good experience for me.  I heard that Camping is very good to go, too. I decided to go to the Earth Camp to learn more about animals and plants. My school Doolen Middle School had three scholarships. There were 10 people that wanted the scholarships. I had to fill out 2 applications: one was for Doolen and the other one was for the Desert Museum. So, Doolen Middle School gave me one full scholarship. I was very excited to go to Earth Camp. There was three days until Earth Camp, when a teacher called me to tell me that I did not have the scholarship because a teacher should go with me to go to the Earth Camp. I was very sad that they told me that I couldn’t have the scholarship. Then the ASDM called me that they will pay for my scholarship. I was s so happy!

I was very happy to go to the Earth Camp. I met lots of new people. I met a famous person Marge Brown. Marge Brown is Laurel Clark’s mother. She brought me Laurel Clark's picture. I felt very special. She was very very very nice to me. She was nice, friendly and very kind. I met her friends. They were so nice to me to me that I thought that I am a famous too. They all were so nice that you feel that they were your family. Thank you very much!!!

At the first day in the Camp we had to have a buddy because it is very important to have a buddy. At Earth Camp we have color groups. In my groups are Luis, Kari, Ashley and me Farzaneh. Our color group was red. We had 4 groups: Red, Purple, Yellow and Green. Only groups had 5 or 4 people. We had fun take picture of animals, plant and more. In my group there always had something to laugh about like funny jokes, funny faces or said funny things. Something we took some funny picture of every other. We all have fun together like a best friend or a family. There is caption name Lindsey. I didn’t know why we call him a caption. He was very nice caption. He always there if we needed help. We had two counslor are were Lindsey {Caption} and Diana Varges. Diana was very nice girl I had never met like her. This is how we work together to change our  world!!!

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024