Yaxaira's Story

My Experience

One of the most influential experiences I had during Earth Camp was having Craig Miller from The Defenders of Wildlife come & talk to us about the wonderful work that they do to help any type of endangered species in the USA they start from the littlest snail up to large cats such as the the jaguar that lives here in our very own mountains. Because of this experience, I have decided to make a change in my life to better live in harmony with the natural world. I will write a letter to the editor about changes that I think will help The Defenders of Wildlife become more successful in letting people know about their wonderful effort in trying to help the endangered animals that live in all of the USA.

The best part of Earth Camp was meeting new people! I met a lot of new people that then became my friends. The names of those people are Ashley, Diana, Tanner, Colette,Kari, Cinthia, Melanie, Katie, Farzaneh, Amy, Samlyn & Susan. I really enjoyed meeting these people and I hope to see them again next year! That is what I really enjoyed about Earth Camp this year.

Playing in the Rain
After coming back from camping at the Sonoran Desert Museum Grounds we were all really tired, but that did not keep us from playing in the rain that started falling after about 2 hours that we had arrived at the Desert Museum. We were watching a slid show of the pictures that we had taken at the camp-out when Amy looks out of the window and sees that it was raining. She tells us that it was raining so everyone went to the window and sees that it was really raining. After seeing that it was raining everyone went outside and started to play in the rain. It was really fun!!! Later on in the week we found out that it had ONLY rain 1/2 an inch!!!!! We thought that it had rained about 1 inch, but I guess we were wrong.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024