Melanie's Story

One of the most influential experiences I had during Earth Camp was being in the wash and how I saw how dry the river had gotten because of the people in Tucson, and when I learned that only .003% of all water on Earth is drinkable.

Because of this experience, I have decided to make a change in my life to better live in harmony with the natural world. I will try to be a minimalist. I will turn off the sink when I am not using the water, I will turn off lights when I am not using them, I will use cloth napkins more than i use paper napkins, and I will try to use the compost bin more insted of just throwing away the extra food.

Hi, my name is Melanie Joplin. At Earth Camp we have color groups. In these groups we do lots of things together, like doing experiments, and using cameras. I was in the purple group. In my group there was four people: me, Emily, Matt, and Christian. We had a lot of fun together exploring the Desert Museum and taking pictures of No Smoking signs. Our group always had something to laugh about. most of the time it happened to be of a picture one of us took of someone else looking stupid. Although none of us were ever best friends during the week, we always seemed to have fun together, and with Captian and the other groups. Captian is Lindsey Carlson, one of the counslors that was a camper last year at Earth Camp. Matt happened to be the one who gave Lindsey the name Captian. Ever sense Matt started calling him that the name stuck. I have also made so many more friends, like Farzaneh Rahimi, Kari Hernandez, Katie Lewis, Tanner DeBellis, Colette Price, Ashley Cheeseman, Diana Varges, Captian, and Gerardo Herrera. As you probabaly can tell Earth Camp is a great way for kids to make friends that have the same interests.

A stupid joke Colette told us...

A man got stuck on a deserted island. He saw the most beautiful, pure, heavenly light. He saw a purple monk what the light was. The monk said " I can't tell you, you are not a purple monk." So the man studied for 85 years to become a purple monk. The original purple monk gave him a key that opened a door to another staircase. He walked up the stairs and saw the light. Do you want to know what the light was?

Well too bad you aren't a purple monk!!!

List of purple monks...

Susan (another counslor)

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024