Katie's Story

One of the most influential experiences I had during Earth Camp was seeing how far down the water table is. It took so long for the water sensor to get down the well. It was crazy. Because of this experience, I have decided to make a change in my life to better live in harmony with the natural world. I will make a serious effort to conserve water. I tested my shower, and it's very effecient, but I still need to do the toilet one... I have major hose issues when I fill the cavy pitcher (don't ask) I always wind up leaving in running on the ground wasting water while I turn it off. I don't do anything that hugely wastes water, but things like that must use up quite a bit. I still can't remmeber to turn off the water while I brush my teeth. I'm going to work on that, thanks to Earth Camp!

What Random People Around Me Say About Earth Camp:

"Potatoes." -Colette.

"Yo Dilly-Dog, what's shakin' bacon?" -Melanie.

"Cookies!" -Cinthia.

"Do not choose that picture Melanie!" -Tanner.

"Something about Earth Camp." -Captain.

"It was coooool." -Farzaneh.

"It was awesome." -Kari.

"Hi." -Gerardo.

"I love Earth Camp." -"Tim"

"J'adore la Katie et elle tete." -Colette in French

"I liked the free deserts." -Maggie

"Stuff thing." -Schamtt

Christian might've had something up here, but Captain told him not to say anything. 

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024