Armando's Story

Hi, my name is Armando Herrera. One of the most influential experiences I had during Earth Camp was going camping. Man! I loved that. Camping is so cool. The coolest thing about camping is staying up late & eating beans.

Because of this experience, I have decided to make a change in my life to better live in harmony with the natural world. I will get in touch with nature. I will find my inner instinct with Mother Earth. For example, I will try to go camping more often & protect the forest. I want to meet more amazing animals. And watch them in their natural habitat.

I will try to take my parents camping, because my parents don't really like to go camping. Especially my mom. They don't know the meaning of camping. So I'm going to try to persuade my parents to go camping. I'm going to help them find their inner instinct like I did.

One of the best things I did at Earth Camp was playing in the rain. It was July 6, 2006. Tucson was in a severe drout. We really needed some precipitation. And finally on 6-6-06 it rained! I was watching a video when I heard Diana yell "Its raining!" And as soon as she said that the whole class marched outside. All of us got wet. It was so fun! But it only rained for ten minutes. But hey at leased it rained. That was one of best things I did at Earth Camp.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 06-30-2024